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Key things to AVOID as an Agricultural Influencer

14 December 2022

Key things to AVOID as an Agricultural Influencer

Influencer Marketing. Possibly one of the biggest driving forces behind social movements in 2022. And if anything, a tactic that will grow throughout 2023.

To all those within the agricultural influencer circle – here it is! Here are our 3 top tips on how to LOSE your farming following (Source: Marketing to Farmers 2022).

Do what you want with the following information. But we recommend you avoid it if you want to be a successful influencer.

1. Being Controversial

Having a strong political view, sharing offensive or unpopular views, generally being too one-sided and not allowing for healthy debates are all ways that a following can be damaged. That’s not to say you shouldn’t have an opinion and not share ideas that you have on matters but it’s about being mindful of your target audience and making sure that you are dealing with any opposing views and ideas respectfully.

Simply – find the balance. Those who do this well, often have a strong relationship with their followers and are well-respected in the opinions that they do have.

2. Demonstrating Poor Behaviour

Bad language. Arrogance. Rudeness. All of these should be AVOIDED at all costs. Remember, people are looking to you for inspiration – maybe even as a role model! Showing yourself in a bad light can damage the respect and trust you have built with your audience.

3. Fake News!

No one wants to be misled and social media is already full enough of fake news. Double-check facts and figures and make sure your information is up to date. Don’t break that trust you have with your followers.

Want to see our full list of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to Influencer Marketing?

Download our Marketing to Farmers report today and see what farmers are really looking for from agricultural influencers.

Click here: https://www.hillsgreen.co.uk/marketing-to-farmers-2023/



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